Reflecting and Paraphrasing • Counselling Tutor

Part of the ‘art of listening’ is making sure that the client knows their story is being listened to. This is achieved by the helper/counsellor repeating back to the client parts of their story. 2 FREE Downloads - Get your overview documents that describe reflection and paraphrasing and how they are used in counselling. It is like holding up a mirror to the client; repeating what they have said shows the client they have your full attention. It also allows the client to make sure you fully understood them; if not, they can correct you. Reflecting and paraphrasing should not only contain what is being said but what emotion or feeling the client is expressing. My ex-wife phoned me yesterday; she told me that our daughter Nafiza (who is only 9) is very ill after a car accident. I am feeling very scared for her. They live in France, so I am going to have to travel to see her, and now I have been made redundant, I don’t know how I can afford to go.

Standard Mode: The standard mode is the most basic one of the four. It only synonymizes the text, i.e., changes the words to their synonyms. It works as a word changer. Fluency Mode: It works a little more advanced than Standard Mode. It improves the flow of content by making changes to words, phrases, and sentences. Creative Mode: The Creative mode helps to paraphrase your content by smartly changing the words with their synonyms and by altering the phrases used. As the name indicates, this mode ‘Creatively’ changes your content so that it looks like the work of an actual human being. Smarter Mode: This mode is also only available for premium users. It is the smartest mode available in this tool. It can intelligently change your content to make it look unique and different without diverging from the original context. Smarter mode is also best, as it removes plagiarism from the text.

The key component in the metric is a robust and shallow semantic similarity measure based on pivot language N-grams that allows to approximate adequacy independently of lexical similarity. Although PEM shows to correlate well with human judgments, the requirement of large parallel text for training is as difficult as generating paraphrases. PINC, designed to be used in conjunction with BLEU and help cover its inadequacies. Since BLEU has difficulty measuring lexical dissimilarity, the idea is to use PINC to fill that gap, while considering BLEU for measuring adequacy and fluency of generated paraphrases against the source text. Some institutions have been documented to impose content production targets that are nearly impossible to meet. In some cases, doctors have to get published to get promoted, but many are too busy in the hospital to do so. Frauds through machine-generated content in scientific publications are likely to get worse, and we can only try to improve our understanding of the problem if we want to get better at fighting them. But on the other hand, NLP is bringing all sorts of benefits to our lives, accelerating our learning and knowledge. And this effect is also likely to increase. Can you imagine a time when machines augment ourselves with all the available content out there? A time when we can all access any content we want, no matter where or how complex it might be? I certainly do. And that time is right around the corner.

If the original text is precise, clear and well-explained, then it is better to use it without any changes for the purpose to let the writer express his feelings in his words. How to Paraphrase the assignments effectively? The followings are the 7 steps to do rephrasing effectively. Follow them and get the best article. Read the original text again and again until you get the complete understanding of what writer want to say in it. Now kept the original aside and rewrote it into own words and make notes. Write keyword or paraphrase on the top of note board that will indicate on what you are writing. Also, keep some words in your mind that will help you in the rewriting of the article. Now compare your rewritten material with the original one to make sure that you have accurately expressed the theme of the writer in your writing and explain the old idea in a new way. Use Quotation marks for the original words you took directly from the source to make your content more useful.  Po st w᠎as c reated wi th GSA C ontent Ge nera᠎to​r DEMO.