Given the Simplicity of the Model
The CAD model is a simple flat plate with dimensions of 120 x 20 x 1 mm. Given the simplicity of the model, solid or shell elements are both a reasonable choice. Table 2 compares the results of the eight studies. Both adaptive studies show unrealistically high stress and displacement results, indicating an error in modeling or in the FEA setup. By modeling the spot welds as single points, an unrealistic restraint condition has been created that has allowed stress and displacement singularities to develop. The mesh convergence graphs in figures 1 and 2 show the data is growing exponentially rather than leveling off as you would expect if the model was properly restrained. Convergence will not take place under these modeling conditions. Figures 3 and 4 show convergence in the cases with 2-D shell elements. This indicates convergence can still be achieved in a 2-D simplified model when the 3-D element model has singularities. This set of studies offered insight into different types of convergence studies and problems that can arise from improper restraints and lack of convergence. While it is essential to simplify a model compared to reality, oversimplification can lead to unrealistic and problematic results in the form of stress and displacement singularities. In this case, a flat plate with a constant cross- section, performing the FEA on 2-D shell elements resolved the singularity condition and allowed the results to converge.
Correct: A 28 year old man in Austin, Texas didn’t break into a business and run, like most criminals. Instead, he took several sausages then simply fell asleep inside the business (“Police: Man breaks into Austin meat business, sleeps”). This paraphrase includes a proper MLA in-text citation to give credit to the source. Original source: “VINELAND, N.J. The paraphrase only changes a few words. Most of the words and sentence structure are too close to the original for this to be a good paraphrase. Correct: A man in New Jersey seemed to think leaving the scene of a car crash and being arrested was a better option than listening to his girlfriend yell. He told the police he fled because he didn’t want to listen to her yell at him (“Police: Man fled crash to avoid yelling girlfriend”). Incorrect: The video has racked up more than 400,000 views since posted on YouTube last week, and the plumber has even been approached for his autograph.
When you are sure you understand all three techniques, choose another IELTS test writing question and try to paraphrase it by yourself. Let’s start with our first strategy: the use of synonyms. First, read and understand the question. Use a highlighter to highlight the keywords in the question. Select synonyms to replace those keywords. Let’s take an example. Unemployment is one of the most serious problems facing developed nations today. What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of reducing the working week to thirty-five hours? This essay title asks the writer to provide the advantages and disadvantages of an idea or solution. In your opening introduction, you should not immediately provide an opinion on the essay topic. Instead, paraphrase two sentences, using our 3-step strategy. Unemployment is one of the most serious problems for developed nations. A 35-hour working week is a possible solution to unemployment. Unemployment is one of the most serious problems facing developed nations today. Post has been generated with the help of GSA Con te nt Generator DEMO!
Incorrect: Cheese-topped donuts are popular in Indonesia. In September 2013, KFC decided to offer a glazed donut topped with shredded Swiss and cheddar cheese (“Over the top international fast-food items”). This example is outright plagiarism. This isn’t a paraphrase at all; it simply omits a few words. Even though it includes a proper MLA in-text citation, it doesn’t rewrite the original using your own wording or sentence structure. Correct: In 2013, a KFC in Indonesia began selling shredded Swiss and cheddar cheese topped glazed donuts, paraphrasing dictionary a treat that is popular in this Asian country. Reread the original again. You’ll see that the paraphrase is inaccurate. The Batmobile built for the 1960’s TV show actually sold for $4.2 million. Correct: The original Batmobile only sold for $137,000 at auction, but the Batmobile built for the 1960’s TVs show sold for $4.2 million the year before (“Original Batmobile, built in 1963, fetches $137,000”). Original source: “TACOMA, Wash.